A lot of sports out there require agility, strength, and a high level of athleticism. Basketball is a notable example. In basketball, players are required to be agile, athletic, and able to jump high enough to be able to easily score points against the opponent.
The art of incredible high jumps is an important skill most basketball players possess and it has always been a sight of joy for basketball lovers. As a result, a lot of basketball fans have been left wondering how basketball players jump so high. Therefore, let’s take a look at how they do it and what is responsible for this incredible ability.
How Do Basketball Players Jump So High?
Basketball players have developed great jumping techniques that have been proven to produce great vertical heights. This technique is dependent on a strong base, however.
A good jumping technique involves generating and exerting a huge amount of power on the ground which in turn propels them as high up against gravity as possible. To generate this power, however, basketball players build up their lower body mass, particularly their lower extremities.
Basketball stars develop the power in the musculature of their lower limbs through regular practice, exercise, and gym activities. Powerful lower limbs are needed to be able to generate enough power to launch a player off the ground against gravity.
What Muscles Are Used to Jump So High?
To understand what is responsible for basketball stars being able to jump high, we need to also take a look at the bulk of muscles of the lower limb responsible for the act of jumping in a normal human being.
The muscles responsible for vertical jumps include the gluteus muscle, hamstring, quadriceps, and calf muscles. Training these muscles are integral to the enhancement of an athlete’s jumping ability.
Gluteus muscle
Hip extension is important for power production while jumping. One of the two main muscles responsible for this process is the gluteus maximus muscle (the main muscle of your butt).
A large butt is one of the things that athletic performance coaches check when assessing athletic potential in basketball. Large glutes are frequently associated with superior leg strength and power.
Hamstring Muscle
Another muscle responsible for hip extension is the hamstring muscle. It works in conjunction with the gluteus muscle to produce hip extension which is necessary for adequate power generation while jumping.
The quadriceps consists of 4 muscles that are mainly responsible for the extension of the knee joint. The quadriceps operate in tandem with the gluteus maximus and hamstrings to generate a seamless, forceful takeoff while jumping.
Calf Muscles
The calf muscle is made up of 2 muscles namely gastrocnemius and soleus.
Despite not being the most important group of muscles responsible for jumping, they are still an integral part of the jumping process. They are responsible for the generation of at least 20% of the leaping power needed in the jumping process. They play a role in the extension and stability of the ankle joint.
NBA Players Jumping Record
Let’s take a look at NBA players with the best vertical jumping record in history.
● Michael Jordan- 48 inches
The iconic Micheal Jordan, who is widely regarded as the best basketball player of all time, gets things started. Throughout his career, the footballer has demonstrated a tremendous 48-inch jump height, earning him the nickname “His Airness.”
● Darrell Griffith- 48 inches
Equalling Michael Jordan’s incredible 48- inches jump height record is one of the most notable feats Darrell Griffith reached during his career as a basketball player. He achieved his feat during his time with the Utah Jazz in the NBA.
● Jason Richardson – 46.5 Inches
Jason made an incredible 46.5-inch leap during a slam dunk challenge at the all-star weekend which is one of the highest jumps ever in NBA history.
● Anthony Webb- 46 inches
Anthony Webb‘s 46-inches performance is amazing when considering his height, as he is known in NBA history as one of the smallest players to play professional basketball. For someone of his stature, 46 inches is a rarity.
● Lebron James – 45 inches
James has been likened to Michael Jordan and is largely recognized as one of the greatest players in NBA history. James is the only NBA player with three clubs and has been chosen an All-Star 17 times, with a record of 11 consecutive first-team choices and a jumping capability of 44 inches.
How to Jump High in Basketball?
● Improve your Power
This is a basketball performance factor that is composed of two important factors namely force and velocity. The complete extent of your strength is force, and the full extent of your speed is velocity. Your vertical jump height will naturally increase if you raise both of these components of your body weight.
Basketball players all over the world use this fundamental idea to enhance their ability to effectively propel themselves high up in the air.
To improve your power (force and velocity), you need to be regular on exercises that are tailored to training the muscles of the body responsible for generating power to perform high jumps. These exercises are listed later in this article.
● Work and improve on your technique
Basketball is a technique-based sport, which is why a 6-foot-5 athlete like Draymond Green can handle much bigger opponents in the paint. All of this necessitates technique refining, and focusing on how to boost jumping in basketball may be approached similarly.
As previously stated, the power required to raise yourself off the ground is equal to your force multiplied by your velocity (or speed). This explains why some of the best jumpers are also speedy players! As a result, increasing your horizontal speed improves your vertical leap
You should also learn to bend your knees, balance, and swing your arms before jumping to generate greater upward power.
Exercise to Help Jump High in Basketball
As discussed above, there are specific exercises to do to improve the power of your lower extremities and ultimately help you jump high. These include
● Squats
Squatting is one of the important exercises for increasing your vertical jump. It worked every muscle in your body while also strengthening your core.
Before putting a barbell on your back, we recommend practicing air squats and focusing on proper form. This will protect you from injuries caused by insufficient depth or inadequate weight balance.
● Deadlifts
Over the years, deadlifts have grown in popularity. Deadlifts have been discovered to be a fantastic lift for growing glutes, hamstrings, and hip muscles, despite their reputation as a competition lift.
Before doing any of these lifts, we advise focusing on being incredibly light, just like with the squats. The poor form could result in long-term lower back issues as a result of the bad form.
● Lunges
Lower body force is generated by pushing and exploding from a variety of angles and postures, not just straight up and down.
The forward lunge helps you generate force by pushing backward with your hamstrings and glutes.
Using dumbbells to provide weight to your hands is a terrific technique to strengthen these muscles. The importance of good form cannot be overstated.
What Tools Can You Use to Train?
● Ankle & Hip Resistance bands
Resistance bands can be used to improve vertical jumping in the same way that they can be used to increase speed training. These resistance bands are attached to an ankle strap and a personalized belt. They are useful in working and strengthening the muscles of your lower extremities and in turn help increase the amount of power that can be generated in these muscles for an effective high jump.
You push off the ground and begin to ascend vertically after the bands have locked out. To get the most out of the bands, adjust them to your size and strength. In comparison to jump soles, these bands are relatively inexpensive and can be an excellent tool for developing your jumping base.
● Thigh Resistance Bands
Leg drive is made easier with these resistance bands that are fastened to your thighs. These bands will help you develop glutes, hamstrings, and thigh muscles when sprinting or doing a stationary leg exercise and in turn, help increase the amount of power that can be generated in these muscles for an effective high jump.
Simply secure each item with the adjustable straps, connect the resistance line, and begin exercising. These bands are really simple to use and are an excellent addition to strength training and/or the hip/ankle bands mentioned above.
To jump high in basketball, you need to be able to generate enough power to propel yourself against gravity high up in the air. This is done with regular exercises and technique improvements to strengthen the lower extremity muscles responsible for the jumping.